- 1st and 2nd cycle studies, uniform master’s degree studies
- A visiting card of the Faculty of Animal Breeding, Bioengineering and Conservation
- Advance payment for the trip
- Calendar
- Campus
- Campus map
- SGGW Student Health Centre
- Accessing health services during coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions
- Contact and appointments
- Declaration
- Emergency
- Imaging diagnostics
- Imaging Diagnostics Clinic (Ultrasound)
- Information for new students
- Laboratory tests
- National Immunisation Programme against COVID
- Night and Holiday health care
- Prescriptions
- Specialist clinics
- Specialist consultation
- Teleporada
- Vaccination against COVID-19
- Vehicle Inspection Station
- Children’s University
- Citizens of the EU/EFTA
- Collaboration and services
- “Ikar” Dormitory
- About ELLS
- Attractions near the Center
- Centre for Innovation and Technology Transfer
- Contact MPB
- E-Declaration
- Fund for Incentives
- International cooperation
- medical examinations of pupils applying for driving licences during their education
- Offer and price list
- Offer for business
- Rental of premises
- Reservations
- Services
- SGGW representatives in ELLS
- SGGW’s Own Scholarship Fund
- Student Scientific Conference
- Students, pupils, doctoral students
- Summer Schools
- The nearest Night Medical Assistance points
- Training and Recreation Center “Marymont” in Kiry
- Training and Recreation Center in Kociszewo
- Why is it worth cooperating with SGGW?
- Confirmation of Learning Outcomes (INFO)
- Contact
- Documents certifying knowledge of English
- Evaluation of the quality of scientific activities
- Exchange program
- Foreigners from outside the EU
- Home
- About studies
- Cookies policy
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- Equal Treatment Policy
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- Press Office
- Privacy policy
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- Report any Unequal Treatment!
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- Shortcuts – For employees
- Shortcuts – For SGGW graduates
- Shortcuts – For students
- Shortcuts – Recruitment
- Site map
- Social section
- University Statutes
- Hotel limits
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- Internship Erasmus +
- KA107 CALL 2021/2022
- Legal matters
- List of fields and disciplines at the Doctoral School of SGGW
- List of service units
- Other exchange programs and scholarships
- Poczta
- Postgraduate
- Practical information for students
- Recruitment
- Announcement for admitted Candidates
- Bachelor’s degree and Master’s degree (long cycle)
- Postgraduate
- Recruitment Doctoral School
- Recruitment fee
- Second cycle studies (Master’s degree)
- Transfer from another university (INFO)
- Rodo
- Science
- Academic teacher evaluation
- Cooperation with business
- Degrees and academic titles
- Doctoral School
- Candidate supervisor’s informations
- Conflict resolution system
- DocSGGW – Doctoral School Goes Gladly Worldwide
- Documents to download
- Education
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- News
- PhD scholarship
- PhD student ID
- PhD students informations
- Recruitment rules
- Recruitment to Doctoral School
- Schedules of classes at the Doctoral School of Warsaw University of Life Sciences
- Doctoral studies
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- Incentive systems for researchers
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- SGGW Days
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- Studies
- Academic Legion
- Acteon
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- Days of Warsaw University of Life Sciences
- Documents to download
- FAQ (2nd degree)
- Forms of education
- Health insurance
- Language classes
- Library and rules
- LZA Promni
- Medical assistance
- NNW insurance
- Organisation of the academic year
- Other questions
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- Student ID cards
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- Student organizations
- Student residences, canteens and buffets
- Study fees
- Ursynalia
- Why study at SGGW?
- Studies – Programme Countries/Europe
- Subsistence allowance
- Sustainable Development Goals
- Travel
- University
- Diploma recognition (INFO)
- SGGW Visual Identity
- Structure of the university
- Academic Senate
- Committees
- List of administrative units
- List of Faculties
- List of institutes
- Institute of Agriculture
- Institute of Animal Sciences
- Institute of Biology
- Institute of Civil Engineering
- Institute of Economics and Finance
- Institute of Environmental Engineering
- Institute of Food Sciences
- Institute of Forestry Sciences
- Institute of Horticultural Sciences
- Institute of Human Nutrition Sciences
- Institute of Information Technology
- Institute of Mechanical Engineering
- Institute of Veterinary Medicine
- Institute of Wood Sciences and Furniture
- Institute website
- Rector’s Representatives
- Scientific Disciplines Councils
- Unit finder
- University authorities
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- Tradition and history of the university
- Webinars 2023
- Accommodation
- Calendar of the academic year of SGGW
- Campus map
- Erasmus Student Network
- Social benefits
- Announcement for Candidates
- Elementor #52580
- Entry requirements second cycle studies
- Legalization/Apostille 1 st
- Long-cycle studies
- Master’s degree recruitment rules
- Open University
- Recognition of foreign diplomas
- Contact
- Mission and strategy of the university
- Profiles
- Promoters’ Business Cards 2019/2020
- Promoters’ Business Cards 2020/2021
- Transfer from another university
Posts by category
- Category: Aktualności- Współpraca międzynarodowa BWM
- A Mobility Call for Erasmus+ exchange in the academic year 2025/2026
- Rethink Food Challenge
- ReThink Food Challenge- student competition
- ICA-Edu Webinar 2024 No 2: AI competences in higher education
- Call for applications – DAAD – Green Hydrogen – Research Tour 2024
- ELLS Scientific Student Conference 2024
- German Embassy invites you!
- Apply for BUP annual conference
- 14th CASEE Conference
- “Erasmus in the lens” – photographic competition
- “Embedded systems”- Blended Intensive Course, 11-15/03/2024
- Erasmus+ Mobility Call 2024/2025
- 2023 European Researchers’ Night
- International student competition ‘Nature-based Future Challenge’
- RISE Worldwide – Research Internships in Science and Engineering
- Webinar for applicants in the NAWA 2023 Polish Returns programme
- Study and research at higher education institutions in Bavaria
- European Bioeconomy Scientific Forum 2023
- 13th CASEE Conference: “Smart Life Sciences and Technology for Sustainable Development”
- Open Call – Visegrad Scholarships
- Invitation to Global Entrepreneurship Education Summit (GEES)
- Happy Holidays!
- CEEPUS Programme Scholarship Offer
- WUR Student Challenges and StartHub present
- E-Summer Course 2022: Business Innovation and Management
- Zaproszenie do udziału w międzynarodowym projekcie badawczym – Campus International 2022
- NCHU, Tajwan – Program letni
- ICA-EDU Colloquium 2022
- The Banach Scholarship Programme
- Spend a different summer – study ELLSwhere!
- Pusan National University 2022 PNU Summer School
- SGGW Summer Semester Introduction Days
- ICA Rectors and Deans Forum – 21-22 .10.21, Leuven
- SGGW in the program LOTUS
- Vulcanus Programme – one-year student internship in Japan
- Category: Biotechnologia
- Category: BWM aktualności
- Category: Cadre
- Category: disabled - institutions
- Difficult behaviors and emotions – what to do and how to deal with them. Mental well-being of students. Disabilities are around us
- “Difficult behaviors and emotions – what to do and how to deal with them.
- Activation Foundation
- Free career counseling
- Internships as a way to employment in the open labor market
- Active and Safe
- Foundation for Active Rehabilitation
- The Order of Malta
- Career Center for People with Disabilities
- Mary and Max Peer Workshop
- Equal opportunities employers
- From internship to engagement
- From student to specialist
- Job portal
- Digital Inclusion
- You’re looking for a job?
- Nationwide Employer Database
- GraduatON
- Active Warsaw +
- Internships at the Office of St. Warsaw
- Scholarships of the Foundation “Work for the Blind”
- TPM Youth Aid Society
- Paid internships in public administration
- Active Graduate
- Category: Doctoral school - news
- 2025 EUA-CDE thematic workshop
- Results of the PRELUDIUM 23 competition
- Classes evaluation surveys
- Inauguration of the Academic Year 2024/2025 at the Doctoral School
- New ID PhD student’s card holograms
- Dates of interviews with candidates for the DS
- Rector’s Order on Training in Discrimination and its Prevention for Doctoral Students
- Ranking list of applications 2. Mobility Fund for PhDs w Projekcie „Actions towards internationalization of the Doctoral School of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW” (DocSGGW – Doctoral School Goes Gladly Worldwide) w ramach programu STER – Internationalization of Doctoral Schools.
- The Role of Data in Shaping Doctoral Education – EUA-CDE (UPC Barcelona)
- Applications for allocation of space in the Academic House for the academic year 2024/25
- New coordinator for equal treatment
- Acceptance of applicants on June 25-28, 2024.
- Announcement of the call for applications for scholarships for the best PhD students within the Project “Actions towards internationalization of the Doctoral School of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW”
- Workshops from “PRELUDIUM 23”
- Seminars with prof. Manuel A. Pombal
- Workshops on cultural difference – June 10, 2024
- SGGW Doctoral School Week May 13-19, 2024 r.
- Opening hours of the Doctoral School Office on May 13-17, 2024.
- The committee’s decisions
- NAWA – Ranking list of applications
- Second year PhD students
- Scholarship rates for PhD students
- On January 5, 2024 the Doctoral School office is closed
- Seminars in English led by Professor Sulhattin Yaşar from Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University
- VI Doctoral Students Conference titled “Four Elements – Contemporary Problems in Life Sciences”
- Common course for PhD students of SGGW and University of Palermo
- Christmas wishes
- “Four Elements – contemporary problems in life sciences”
- Seminars with visiting professor within the STER project
- ELLS Bioeconomy for PhD education and research
- Doctoral School of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – Join us!
- Easter wishes
- Field classes at the Motyka i Słońce garden
- Competition for the best poster
- Konkurs na najlepszy poster
- Wykład pt. „Wzrost i produkcyjność drzewostanów Karpat Ukraińskich w zależności od cech zbocz górskich”
- Christmas greetings from the Director of the Doctoral School of Warsaw University of Life Sciences
- Szlachetna Paczka pomagamy wspólnie
- Seminar “New order in economics, finance and management”
- Szlachetna Paczka – we help together
- Our PhD student Ewa Szczucka participated in the national Congress of Scientific Clubs IKONA 2021
- I miejsce w konkursie „EkoMasters” dla doktorantki i studentki z SGGW
- The Four Elements Conference – contemporary problems in life sciences
- Inauguration of the academic year 2021/2022 at the Doctoral School of Warsaw University of Life Sciences
- The SGGW Doctoral School among the winners of the STER program
- Candidate supervisor’s informations 2020/2021 2021/2022
- “Design of experiments” seminar
- Meeting with Antarctica
- Announcement of the PRELUDIUM 20
- Information about the BEKKER Program organized by the National Agency for Academic Exchange
- Announcement of the Rector of SGGW in connection with the epidemic situation
- On-line open day
- Meeting of the Head of the Doctoral School with the Board of the Doctoral Students’ Council of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences
- Member of the Program Council of the Doctoral School, the new Chairman of the National Representation of Doctoral Students
- New composition of the Board of Doctoral Students’ Council at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences
- Seminar with Prof. Josu Takala, lecturer at the University of Vaasa
- SGGW for pets!
- And you, support the Noble Package!
- Communication No. 19/2020 – on submitting doctoral dissertations
- Training in the protection of intellectual property
- “Four Elements – Contemporary Problems in Life Sciences”
- Changing the functioning of the Doctoral School Office of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences
- Changing the functioning of the Doctoral School Office of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences
- Restriction of teaching at the university’s premises from October 19, due to COVID-19
- Rector’s order of October 22, 2020
- Doctoral calendar
- Rector’s Order of 30 September 2020
- Recruitment schedule
- Organization and operation of student houses in the academic year 2020/21
- Organization of science in winter semestr 2020/2021
- Mazovia Innovator
- Award ceremony and habilitation diplomas
- Scholarships Warsaw for doctoral students and doctoral students – 2nd edition
- Article in the Semester Students Magazine
- Seminar with Prof. Francesco Busato on “Dynamic models with environmental implications” – June 3, 2020
- Rector’s Order of 22 May 2020
- Rector’s Order of 21 May 2020
- Meeting on publishing in magazines with IF
- Letter to rectors
- Information from the Scientific Excellence Council
- Communication of the Rector of the SGGW of 24 April 2020
- UODO Guide
- Easter Greetings
- Classes with prof. Josu Takala, lecturer at the University of Vaasa
- Recommendations of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education
- Remote education in universities
- Action #pomocsąsiedzka
- NZOZ SGGW recommendations for suspected coronavirus infections
- Announcement of the Rector of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences of March 17, 2020
- How to get legalized
- Order No. 18 of the Rector of the SGGW in Warsaw of 11 March 2020 on “Preventing the spread of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus among the SGGW community in Warsaw”
- SGGW Open Days
- Leaders in university management
- Seminar of lecturers from the University of Pisa – Dr. Gai Bertarelli
- Award of the Polish Society of Horticultural Sciences
- Charity campaign for the carnas of the Warsaw Hospice Foundation for Children
- Conference “Model of functioning of Doctoral Schools”
- Solemn meeting for doctoral students admitted to the Doctoral School of SGGW
- Apostille and legalization
- Category: Events - Recruitment
- SGGW Days
- Opening Days at SGGW 21-22 January
- Admission 2nd cycle studies
- 13.08 – deadline for receipt of documents after supplementary qualification
- 04.08 – announcement of the results of the supplementary qualification
- 29.07 – 01.08 – recruitment at SOK (supplementary qualification)
- 01.06 – 15.09.2021 recruitment for studies
- New English-language studies: Modern engineering in water management
- SGGW Open Day on-line
- Category: For the media
- Category: Main news
- A revolution in the treatment of solid tumours – groundbreaking research by Prof Magdalena Król’s team published in Nature Communications
- Gregory Phelan Best Foreign Student in Poland
- Pre-Welcome Day
- SGGW will organise an international event at the EXPO 2025 World Exposition
- Welcome to Ecuador
- SGGW delegation visit to Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology
- Recruitment for the second degree programme
- Professor Arthur P.J. Mol honorary doctorate of SGGW
- Interview with Professor Arthur Mol
- Success of the SGGW Doctoral School in the ProDok 2024 competition
- Meeting of the European Bioeconomy University consortium – summary of five years of activity
- Visits of representatives of foreign universities to SGGW – Universidad Nacional de Colombia and Shanghai Lixin University of Accounting and Finance
- The “Internationalization Strategy – Building Successful Partnerships” conference is behind us
- SGGW among the top Polish universities in the latest edition of the THE ranking
- QS World University Rankings by Subject 2024 Fact File for Warsaw University of Life Sciences
- Welcome Day – welcome aboard!
- Miyawaki forest – a green future on the SGGW campus
- SGGW scientists’ success in the World’s Top 2% Scientists 2023 ranking
- SGGW Hosts Green Campus International Conference: “Trees – Multifunctional Element of Ecosystems”
- ‘European Universities – Alliances for the Future’ conference
- Welcome Day for New International Students coming in October
- SGGW’s success in the NAWA Welcome to Poland competition
- Apply for a place SGGW dormitories
- SGGW ranks higher on the US News Best Global University Rankings
- SGGW Rector appointed Vice-Chair of KRASP [Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland]
- Dr Marcin Mickiewicz received project funding under the ERA-NET ICRAD program
- Prof. Dorota Witrowa-Rajchert was elected Chair of the Committee on Food and Nutrition Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences
- The future of the young in science at an open meeting of the RMN [The Young Scientists Council]
- Dr Wojciech Mincewicz received the Minister of Science scholarship for outstanding young researchers
- O przyszłości młodych w nauce na otwartym posiedzeniu RMN
- EBU meeting at SGGW
- SGGW maintains a high position in the latest edition of QS World University Rankings 2025
- Warsaw University of Life Sciences’ solid position in the latest edition of the Times Higher Education Impact Ranking
- SGGW and PGW Wody Polskie signed a cooperation agreement
- Science for all. Support for SGGW students
- Warsaw Logistics Days at SGGW
- Recognition Awards for Scientific Accomplishments
- SGGW Days
- The SGGW authorities met with the representatives of the Agricultural University of Iceland
- SGGW among the World’s Top Universities
- SGGW attended the “Start-ups at the Palace” conference
- A commemoration of Stanisław Staszic
- ‘Neighbourhood with Climate’, the SGGW researchers’ project for urban residents
- Admissions to study in English open
- During this year’s World Earth Day, leading Warsaw universities motivate people to play a climate game that helps adapt housing estates to climate change
- Global synergy for local change – climate games as a bridge for international cooperation
- Monitoring Team for the Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals at SGGW
- SGGW ranked high in the World Best Value University Rankings 2024 for International Students
- The international research group develops wooden construction materials with a low environmental impact
- QS World University Rankings by Subject 2024 for Warsaw University of Life Sciences
- Boosting Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing
- SGGW signed a contract for the construction of an Innovative Centre for Nutritional Science
- SGGW students awarded scholarships by the Minister of Science for the 2023/2024 academic year
- SGGW scientists elected to the Committee on Environmental Engineering of the Polish Academy of Sciences – PAN
- SGGW intensifies cooperation with Ghana
- Vote for BocianiMy (StorkMy)
- Prof. dr hab. Michał Zasada, the Rector of SGGW
- SGGW scientists at environmental resource management conference
- Professor Krzysztof Anusz, a member of the newly established State Council for Nature Conservation (PROP) under the Ministry of Climate and Environment
- Dr inż. Arkadiusz Matuszewski, the laureate of the 14th edition of the NCBiR’s LEADER programme
- AI in strategy, science and teaching
- Dr Wojciech Mincewicz awarded for the best doctoral thesis on national security
- CoAdapt project cooperation with Norwegian researchers
- The Quiet Corner [Cichy Zakątek] at the Faculty of Economics
- SGGW expands international cooperation with Germany
- Are you green? What does it mean?UNIgreen Day at SGGW
- SGGW at educational fairs
- The visit of the Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to SGGW
- Letters of Congratulations to SGGW employees
- Uroczystość wręczenia listów gratulacyjnych pracownikom SGGW
- UNIgreen Open Day at SGGW
- Welcome Day for New International Students at SGGW
- The Danish entrepreneurs’ visit to the SGGW Wilanów-Obory Agricultural Experimental Station
- SGGW will provide hotel management courses jointly with Polski Holding Hotelowy
- Visit of His Majesty King Frederick X of Denmark
- SGGW in the University Ranking by Academic Performance (URAP)
- SGGW Open Day
- “Pod parasolem żubra” [Under the bison’s umbrella] – the educational project co-funded by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management
- Condolences to the Community of Charles University in Prague
- Christmas greetings from the Rector SGGW
- The Review of Scientific Achievements of SGGW Student Scientific Circles
- Christmas Meeting
- Christmas meeting for SGGW students and PhD students
- Recruitment for second cycle studies
- Gala of Agribusiness and “Pathways to AgriSuccess” at SGGW
- The SGGW representatives among the members of the Scientific Committees of the Polish Academy of Sciences [PAS]
- SGGW expands international cooperation with Iraq
- The National Centre for Science (NCN) has announced the results of the OPUS 25 and PRELUDIUM 22 competitions
- Professor Janusz Żmija was awarded the title of doctor honoris causa of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences
- Profesor Janusz Żmija doktorem honoris causa SGGW
- Another ELLS conference is behind us!
- Professor Piotr F. Hoser becomes the patron of a street in Pruszków
- SGGW researchers with grants in the MINIATURA7 competition
- The first UNIgreen Student Conference was a success
- SGGW in the latest THE by Subject ranking; results announced
- SGGW scientists in the Council for Scientific Excellence
- SGGW representatives participate in the first annual meeting of UNIgreen’s Joint International Centre (JIC) in Almeria
- Tutoring and Mentoring at SGGW
- „Intercultural communication workshop for SGGW students”
- 70th Anniversary of the Faculty of Economics, SGGW
- SGGW scientists develop an innovative analysis of the microbiological quality of milk
- ICA Biodiversity Challenge 2023
- SGGW welcomed foreign students during Welcome Day
- Ten SGGW scientists in the world’s top 2% of the highly cited researchers.
- Over PLN 16 million for SGGW for the development of the dairy sector
- UNIgreen: let’s get to know each other better
- Commemorative plaque unveiling to commemorate Professor Antoni Rutkowski
- Students from all over the world choose SGGW
- Six SGGW researchers have been awarded grants in the MINIATURA7 competition
- The Meeting of U-GREEN Project Partners at SGGW
- UNIgreen – UA meeting at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences
- Welcome Day. Winter Semestr 23/24
- Study Offer 2024/25 at SGGW
- The exhibition and scientific session dedicated to the memory of the first SGGW Rector, prof. Józef Mikułowski-Pomorski
- Partnership in the educational system – experiences from the implementation of the Junior-Edu-Żywienie JEŻ program
- The Conference celebrating the anniversary of the 100 birthday of prof. dr hab. Stanisław Berger
- ‘From discovery to implementation – utilizing genomics for plant breeding’, the inauguration of the Summer School under the Study ELLSwhere program
- Sustainable Development Goals
- SGGW among the best universities in the latest edition of the QS World University Rankings 2024
- The power of music and community – LZA PROMNI is the pride of SGGW around the world
- SGGW in the Webometrics Ranking of World Universities
- MEiN Scholarships for SGGW scientists
- Application for accommodation at the SGGW dorms – deadline
- SGGW develops international cooperation with Indonesia
- Bioeconomy strategy for Poland in the Polish Senate
- SGGW students will compete during the Summer Universiade in Chengdu
- “Reunion 2023”: 10th Anniversary of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Graduation
- SGGW stands on the podium
- KATAMARAN Program Summary
- Management new in offer at SGGW
- SGGW students analyze the impact of the road crossing the Kampinos National Park on shaping the surrounding landscape, and environment
- How to apply for two study programs
- Professor Leszek Żukowski was awarded the title of doctor honoris causa of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences
- SGGW among the top Polish higher education institutions according to the Center for World University Rankings (CWUR)
- SGGW and UPWr talked over the European Universities
- A bit of science and a bit of relax during the upcoming SGGW Days
- Blood Donation
- A commemoration of Stanisław Staszic
- SGGW develops international cooperation with Iraq
- The Biomass Conversion Laboratory has been opened at the Institute of Mechanical Engineering, SGGW
- SGGW Students work on improving the accessibility of hiking trails for people with disabilities
- SGGW experts at the International Climate Summit TOGETAIR
- The Conference of Chancellors and Bursars of Polish Technical Universities at SGGW
- 100 years of uninterrupted farming experience at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences
- Cumman Warsaw GAA has won the European Gaelic Football Championship
- SGGW implements the principles of sustainable development on the university campus
- SGGW launches cooperation with the Poltava State Agrarian University
- SGGW rises in the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2023
- Meeting with Sir Peter Ratcliffe, a Nobel Laureate at SGGW
- Doctor awarding ceremony
- Meeting of Vice-Rectors for Science of Life Sciences Universities
- Summer Semester Introduction Day
- Professor Wanda Olech awarded medal of prof. Tadeusz Vetulani
- 4 March 2023 SGGW Open Day
- NCN Scholarship for Ukrainian young researchers for SGGW
- Prof. dr hab. Zdzisław Gajewski was awarded the Minister of Education and Science Award
- The UNIgreen DAY – The Green European University
- SGGW joins HUMANE – Europe’s international network for higher education professionals
- ScienceWeek 2023, an event supporting SGGW researchers
- Landscape Architecture Students designed the vicinity of the future Student Service Center
- SGGW co-funds the Green European University UNIgreen
- The COVIMO project
- SGGW scientists awarded medals at the iENA 2022
- SGGW scientists will help to take care of war-damaged Ukrainian forests
- The prestigious ERC grant for prof. Magdalena Król, Institute of Biology, SGGW
- SGGW develops international cooperation with Turkey
- World Vegetarian Day
- Professor Stanisław Karpiński appointed to the Council of the National Science Centre
- UNIgreen Inaugural Conference
- Professor Agnieszka Gniazdowska-Piekarska, Head of the Institute of Biology appointed to the National Development Council
- Medal of Michał Oczapowski for the Faculty of Horticulture
- SGGW representatives in the Vatican
- SGGW young researchers on the list of NCN Preludium call
- SGGW awarded for recognition in THE World University Rankings
- A creative research zone at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences
- Visit of the US Ambassador to Poland, Mark Brzeziński, at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences
- Scientific research of KN Biotech among the best projects of science clubs
- Prof. dr hab. Danuta Kołożyn-Krajewska titled an Honorary Professor of the University of Life Sciences in Lublin
- Professor Marek Szyndel with the ICA Excellence Award 2022
- SGGW academic staff among top- cited authors in the world across all scientific fields
- The visit of the Tanzania’s minister for foreign affairs and East African cooperation to SGGW
- Prof. Wanda Olech-Piasecka is among the nominees announced for World’s Leading Animal Conservation Award
- WePoint – a new point on the SGGW campus
- SGGW among the top Polish universities in The World University Rankings 2023
- Students from all over the world choose SGGW
- Summary of the ELLS 2022 conference
- Cooperation between the Warsaw University of Life Sciences and the Louisiana State University
- SGGW in the Webometrics Ranking of World Universities
- SGGW officially became a UNIgreen Alliance Member with the status of the European University
- “Teraz Polska” Summer Club Meeting at SGGW
- TUT and Warsaw University of Life Sciences explore collaboration in green economy research
- SGGW in the Shanghai Global Ranking of Academic Subjects 2022
- The Polish stand at the Milan Triennial was inspired by the research of the SGGW scientist
- Inauguration of the Celebrations in remembrance of Professor Longin Majdecki
- SGGW ranked third in terms of equality
- 33.Parafiada at SGGW
- Case Study Competition executed by SGGW
- Dr Krzysztof Gajowniczek became a scholarship holder of the Minister of Education and Science
- SGGW Scientists develop cooperation with Botswana
- SGGW wins in five categories in the Perspektywy 2022 Ranking
- A delegation from MATE university at SGGW
- SGGW involved in Climate Change Education
- SGGW joined the Declaration of University Social Responsibility
- SGGW in the QS World University Rankings
- SGGW develops cooperation with the USA
- Trilateral meeting CRASP-HRK-France Universities at SGGW
- SGGW will support the reconstruction of the Saski Palace
- SGGW at NAFSA 2022 annual conference & expo
- It is always worth being a FIT student – especially during the Photogrammetry in Forestry classes
- Professor Stanisław Karpiński was awarded the Medal of Prof. Władysław Szafer
- SGGW is a scientific research partner of the Solidarity Transport Hub Poland (STH)
- Air quality sensors on the SGGW campus
- The power of music and the power of the community – PROMNI on stage
- SGGW Days! The Science picnic on the university campus!
- Economic Sciences for Agribusiness and Rural Economy
- AZS SGGW with a grant of PLN 93,000
- Discover SGGW
- How to apply to study at SGGW
- Gathering of Chancellors and Bursars of Warsaw universities
- SGGW gains funds from the “Solidarni z Ukrainą” program
- SGGW researchers awarded for their scientific achievements
- NAWA Welcome to Poland 2021
- SGGW spectacular success in the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2022
- SGGW helps Ukraine program offers the possibility of donating
- High school graduates interested in studying at SGGW
- SCIENCE SGGW – 2nd anniversary of the SGGW YouTube channel popularizing science
- How does SGGW support Ukraine?
- SGGW proposal for students from Ukraine
- Everyone is important to SGGW. We are different but equal.
- Każdy jest ważny dla SGGW. Jesteśmy różni, ale równi.
- Message from the President of ICA
- Słowa wsparcia dla uczelni ukraińskich od Prezesa ICA
- SGGW dynamically develops cooperation with The State of Qatar
- SGGW Veterinary Medicine studies with the PKA (Polish Accreditation Committee) Certificate of Educational Excellence
- SGGW Scientists honored at the Polish Science Gala 2022
- SGGW joins UNIgreen – The Green European University
- SGGW Scientists will reform agricultural production in Congo
- The New Library Council of the National Institute of Polish Rural Culture and Heritage
- Introduction Days
- Prof. Agnieszka Wierzbicka joins the Council of Directors of the research institutes at PAS
- SGGW joins the Agreement of the Conference of Rectors of Polish Technical Universities on quality assurance in education
- Rector’s announcement SGGW
- Announcement of the Vice-Rector for Didactics on the organization of winter examination session in the academic year 2021/2022
- Komunikat Rektora SGGW
- Improvement of academic teaching standards in diagnosis and treatment of animal diseases in Senegal
- A word from the Rector to the Academic Community
- Open call for applications for the INTERSTUDENT 2022 competition
- Laureate of the program Stanisława Ulama NAWA will conduct research at the SGGW
- Visit of delegation of the Union of Rectors of Universities of Ukraine to Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW)
- “Solidary with Belarus” – the call for applications to the NAWA programme is underway
- The State Forests -Strategic Partner of ELLS 2021
- The SGGW Doctoral School among the winners of the STER program
- EUR 21 milion for ecosystem restoration – MERLIN project was launched
- SGGW student vaccination
- Rektor SGGW podziękował nauczycielom akademickim przechodzącym na emeryturę
- Prof. Dr. Jimmy Mazurkiewicz of Texas A&M University as Honorary Doctor of the SGGW
- Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW in IROs Forum
- StartBook for new students of SGGW
- Communication on the organisation of classes in the academic year 2021/2022
- Visegrad–Taiwan Scholarships
- Scholarships for Belarusian students – EU4Belarus
- Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW) among the largest and best universities in the world
- The guidelines of the Ministry of Education and Science on organizing the 2021/2022 academic year
- COVIMO PROJECT, ERASMUS + KA2 – Invitation to take part in the survey
- New Wayfinding System at the SGGW’S campus
- NEW deadline for abstract submission
- We attract the best ones. Recruitment 2021/2022
- Workshop: “How to write a good abstract for a scientific conference?”
- ZOOM meeting: Prejudice, racism and hate crimes. How to react?
- Announcement of the Rector regarding the organization of education in the academic year 2021/2022 at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences
- Hybrid teaching from May 4
- Rector’s announcement on the organization of classes from April 26 to April 30, 2021.
- SGGW in THE Impact Rankings 2021
- First online meeting of the authorities of Bohai University and Warsaw University of life Sciences
- Release of the new SGGW visual identity
- Artificial digestive tract at INŻCZ SGGW
- SGGW and the Capital City of Warsaw concluded a cooperation agreement
- SGGW joined the Joint Doctoral School of Translational Medicine
- Minister of Education and Science at the Translational Medicine Center, Warsaw University of Life Sciences
- Student ID cards – news
- Agreement between WRiB SGGW and Osadkowski SA
- Rector Michał Zasada is a member of the Council for Agriculture and Rural Areas
- Promotion of SGGW in QS EECA University Rankings 2021
- Summer semester at SGGW
- Representative for Equal Treatment
- Conscious shopping. Smart Choices “
- The status of professor retired from SGGW
- Prof. dr hab. Inż. Alojzy Szymański with the MEiN award for lifetime scientific achievements
- Water Congress “Flood forecasting, climate change, water protection”
- SGGW in Webometrics Ranking of World Universities
- Minikiv – a new project of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences
- WULS-SGGW will receive over PLN 2 million for the construction of the RES Ecological Education Center
- The Senate of WULS-SGGW appointed the new University Council
- Applications for ministerial scholarships for outstanding young scientists
- Water Alerts with the participation of scientists from Warsaw University of Life Sciences
- Visit of WULS-SGGW representatives to Tanzania
- Rector of WULS-SGGW with Christmas wishes for the Academic Community
- The Deans’ Forum of Warsaw University of Life Sciences has started its activity
- WULS-SGGW inaugurated the 2020/2021 academic year. QUOD FELIX FAUSTUM FORTUNATUMQUE SIT!
- “Tree Day” at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences
- Publication by dr hab. Urszula Zajączkowska in “Polityka”
- A word from the Rector to the academic community
- The motto of the new term: SGGW our Alma Mater
- Kongres wodny “Prognozowanie powodzi, zmiany klimatu, ochrona wód”
- Category: News
- Category: News
- Opening of the Kindergarten
- End of the pre-school year 2014/2015
- Beginning of the 2015/2016 preschool year
- The end of the 2015/2016 preschool year
- Beginning of the 2016/2017 preschool year
- Activities
- Trip to the Department of Applied Entomology
- Fitting for a preschooler
- Dwarfs have started a music project with LZA “Promni”
- “Where is my fairy tale?”
- Collection
- Santa Claus in kindergarten
- Family Christmas competition
- Contest results
- Carnival
- Category: News -International cooperation
- Blended Intensive Program offer: Connecting Physical Activity, Sustainability, Health and Well-being through Digital Transformation: Sustain@FitTech
- Blended Intensive Programme:Zero Waste, Infinite Possibilities: Teamwork for a Sustainable Future
- Open call -summer course in Indonesia
- ICA – invitation to webinars
- Call for participants for 2023/2024 – staff mobility Erasmus+ KA171
- Online info session: Erasmus+ Capacity Building
- UNIgreen WP4 – join the Team
- 2024 PNU Summer School – apply
- Call for participants for 2023/2024 – staff mobility Erasmus+ KA171
- Conference PROM. “Short trips, great opportunities”
- ICA – invitation to webinars
- Internship Program in Taiwan – apply for funding
- Call for participants for 2023/2024 – staff mobility Erasmus+ KA171
- XV edition ESNsurvey
- MSCA Doctoral Networks 2023
- Polish Returns Programme NAWA – Open Call!
- ADVICE HUB for Higher Education – presentation and debate
- V4 Gen Mini-Grants
- Apply for Partnerships for Cooperation Erasmus+
- Visegrad–Taiwan Scholarships
- Become a volunteer during EuroSkills Gdańsk 2023
- Summer Program 2023 at the Shibaura Institute of Technology – Japan
- New architectural concept of the WePoint
- Bekker Program NAWA – OPEN CALL
- New wayfinding system of the WePoint
- Erasmus+ mobility call for traineeships outside EU
- Information meeting – Fulbright scholarship programs
- Nabór na praktyki poza UE w ramach programu Erasmus+
- Call for Fulbright scholarship for a trip to the USA
- Apply for the internship in South Korea – GIST Global Intern Program 2023
- Erasmus+ Call for mobilities
- ICA, Association for European Life Science Universities – UPCOMING EVENTS
- Invitation to 2022 GIST Online Program
- WePoint – survey invitation
- Bilateral Exchange NAWA 2023/24
- PROM – International Scholarship Exchange for PhD students and academic staff – ADDITIONAL MOBILITY CALL
- EDUinspirator 2022 Competition
- Scholarship Program “New Technolgies for Women – Ukraine”
- “Chinese Bridge” Online Chinese Business Culture Experience Camp Program
- The Kosciuszko Foundation
- Challenge Labs Central Eastern Europe 2022 – deadline 24 July 2022
- Call for Scholarships of Excellence of the Government of Mexico for Foreigners 2022
- Invitation to participate in an international research project – Campus International 2022
- NCHU, Taiwan – summer program
- LSU, USA – Summer School 2022
- Visegrad–Taiwan Scholarship
- NCKU, Taiwan – International Summer School
- Academic seminar: “Asia-African Seminar on How to Cooperate with African Countries in the New Normal Era
- ELLS Bioeconomy for PhD education and research
- COVIMO PROJECT, ERASMUS+ KA2 – results of the focus group interview
- ICA events in 2022
- International Scientific and Practical Conference “SEIFULLIN READINGS – 18: Youth and Science – a look into the future”
- Summer research program for international students 2022 at UACJ, Mexico
- Students’ attitudes and opinions towards Climate Change – questionnaire
- ICA-Edu Colloquium 19 & 20 May 2022
- Pusan National University – educational offer
- The Banach Scholarship Programme
- Fulbright grants for Polish citizens – call for applications
- Spend Your Summer in Jerusalem
- SGGW joins UNIgreen – The Green European University
- Sustainable agriculture in the context of climate change and digitalization – Call for abstracts for 12th CASEE Conference (2022)
- PROM – International Scholarship Exchange for PhD students and academic staff – ADDITIONAL MOBILITY CALL
- New Year Greeting – ICA Association for European Life Science Universities
- Extended call – course “Entrepreneurship in the bioeconomy”
- Project “Improvement of academic teaching standards in diagnosis and treatment of animal diseases in Senegal”
- Learn Chinese – Chinese Bridge Project
- Applying for the residence permit in Poland based on studies – training for students
- Online 2-weeks Korean course
- Call to participate in a EIP-AGRI Focus Group
- Open call for applications for the Interstudent 2022 competition
- International Scientific Meeting (ECI) 2022
- GTI (Global Technology Initiative) Annual Symposium 2021
- Communique of life sciences universities addressing climate change and advancing sustainable bioeconomies
- Capacity Building Workshop on Equitable Access and Success in Higher Education
- Student One Health Conference at USAMV Bucharest (hybrid model)
- Scholarship offer – studies and research in Bavaria
- WEBINAR: Status and Future of Bioeconomy Education – Learning from EU projects
- Korean Language Course online at the Pusan National University
- ICA Conference – virtual event
- OPEN CALL: 2nd ASEF Higher Education Innovation Laboratory
- ONLINE COURSES – Global School in Empirical Research Methods (GSERM )
- Fellowship for International Research Scholars in Technology – IITH
- OPEN CALL – personal exchange as part of bilateral cooperation
- OPEN CALL – Joint research projects between Poland and Ukraine
- 01/10 SGGW Winter semester Introduction Day 2
- 24/09 SGGW Winter semester Pre-Introduction Day 1
- One Health Student Conference
- Conferences of ICA (Association for European Life Science Universities)
- One-year scholarship program in Bavaria
- International scientific conference “Ecology and Technology Development”
- Scientific Forum 2021, European Bioeconomy University
- Category: Nutrition
- Category: Provisions
- Category: Rector
- Category: Science
- Just a live Christmas tree
- Collaboration with local and international research centres has a direct impact on rankings
- Kombucha
- Unravelling the secrets of milk
- The Amazing World of Bees
- Badania gleb Kampusu SGGW
- SGGW and UW conduct research on early diagnosis of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases
- Let’s adapt the forest and wood sector to future challenges
- The concept of enabling trees and shrubs to grow in the concreted areas of European cities was developed at SGGW
- Spring greens – isn’t it too early for spring vegetables?
- Staying in shape before the holidays
- What’s better? A cup of coffee or a ginger drink?
- SGGW researchers use AI to assess milk quality
- Organic soil – Soil of the Year 2024
- How can we improve our memory and concentration?
- The new methods for enhancing wood hardness have been developed at SGGW
- The photosynthetic process of ‘dormant’ plants has been inhibited
- Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW) is developing natural food preservation techniques
- Does Food have a Gender? The SGGW scientist is seeking the answer
- Health Effects of Energy Drinks
- Sustainable Cities: Communities for Climate Change Action project introduces innovative solutions to combat adverse climate change impacts
- Mini Kiwi ‘Kiwi berry’- a big little fruit
- The success of the NAUKA / SCIENCE SGGW channel
- Warsaw University of Life Sciences (WULS-SGGW) is a member of a Partnership for the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals
- SGGW Scientists develop the waste heat recovery technology used in the production of stretch film from recycled materials
- Insect consumption – is it a whim or a potential for human nutrition?
- Smart villages concept implemented in Masovian voivodeship by SGGW researchers
- SGGW scientists work on an innovative system for determining the mineral requirements of plants
- Thaumatin – an intensely sweet-tasting protein
- “Legionella pneumophila” examined by the SGGW scientists
- The Antibiotic Resistance – SGGW scientists struggle with the global challenge
- Data analysis and visualization – the key to success in the age of digital transformation
- Unconventional methods for assessing hail damage to crop
- 7 June – World Food Safety Day
- Eco-initiative – green air purifiers
- SGGW scientists join the fight against “forever chemicals”
- Are we going to start eating insects instead of meat?
- dr hab. Urszula Zajączkowska
- SGGW scientists take part in research to find new ways to develop nematode-resistant methods
- Vertical farming is becoming more popular. How does a vertical farm work?
- Are we running out of fresh water?
- Preservation of Foods with Pulsed Electric Fields – innovative research at SGGW
- Monitoring of photosynthesis can prevent ecological disasters
- Dr Grzegorz Wierzbicki developed a geomorphological map of the Vistula river valley in Warsaw
- Professor Stanisław Karpiński’s team described and explained the new mechanism of plant-to-plant direct communication.
- Prof. dr hab. Hazem M. Kalaji among the top three scientists in Poland
- Professor Piotr Latocha conducts research on developing innovative technology for sorting mini-kiwifruit.
- NCN grant in the Preludium BIS 3 competition for dr hab. Dorota Zielińska
- A new technological solution for Sour Beer Production
- SGGW Scientists from the Institute of Animal Sciences help the European bison restitution
- Water in the reconstructed marsh is worth up to 60 million euros a year
- SGGW Biologists investigate the effect of canavanine on cell metabolism
- Scientists from the Institute of Veterinary Medicine, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, carried out important research on animal viruses
- A team of SGGW researchers has developed a breakthrough technology for the production of food products with controlled allergenicity
- The Mediterranean diet is considered to be an exemplary way of eating. Scientists and researchers from SGGW confirm the fact, but under some important conditions.
- SGGW Scientists help the European bison restitution
- Antiviral moss half mask
- Dr Artur Wiktor became a member of The Polish Young Academy at PAS
- Online books for scientists and students
- Atlas of the Pig Gut. Research and Techniques from birth to adult life “
- Publication of scientists from the Institute of Biology of SGGW in “Nature Genetics”
- Publication of scientists from SGGW in the Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer
- Review of the achievements of Scientific Circles
- The Institute of Mechanical Engineering of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences has started work on a highly efficient heat pump
- Dr. Artur Wiktor is the laureate of the “Innovator of Mazovia” competition
- Prof. dr hab. Paweł Sysa received the PAN award
- Research of scientists from Warsaw University of Life Sciences in a prestigious journal
- Grand ERC for Professor Magdalena Król for cancer research
- Innovative dried honey from SGGW
- Category: Scientific conferences
- Category: SGGW People
- Katarzyna Specjalska – Rising Star of the Internationalisation 2024
- NCN grant in the Preludium BIS 5 competition for Dr hab. Mikołaj Pniewski, prof. SGGW
- SGGW Student elected the Vice President of the ESN Poland Board
- The Young Scientists Council chaired by dr Olga Witkowska-Piłaszewicz
- Mateusz Niedbała is the SGGW Academic Spokesperson
- Dr hab. Katarzyna Zabielska-Koczywąs is the newly appointed Ambassador for the ‘Science Needs Women’ program
- Prof. dr hab. Stanisław Berger
- The SGGW Student, Franciszek Mika, joined the Youth Climate Council
- Prof. Piotr Szeleszczuk, Institute of Veterinary Medicine, SGGW, was awarded the gold badge by the Polish National Racing Pigeon Association [PZHGP]
- Katarzyna Samborska in the Programme Board of the Warsaw Science Festival
- SGGW scientists joined the PAS Committee on Climate Crisis
- Prof. dr hab. Piotr Stypiński appointed as Honorary President of the European Grassland Federation
- Pastel memories: My macro- and microworld
- “All windows for house martins. Bird stories from the neighborhood”
- Prof. Wiesław Bielawski awarded Knight’s Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta for his outstanding achievements in teaching and scientific activities
- Professor Tomasz Borecki, a member of the Ethics Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences
- Prof. dr hab. Kazimierz Tomala awarded Knight’s Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta for his outstanding achievements in teaching and scientific activities
- Dr hab. inż. Małgorzata Nowacka member of the Polish Young Academy at PAS
- Prof. Zbigniew Karaczun about the climate crisis
- Rafał Maciaszek – The Climate Man of the Year 2021
- Professor Joanna Paliszkiewicz was awarded the title of professor in Slovenia
- Andrzej Szmalc appointed Rector’s Plenipotentiary for Cooperation with the Economy
- Dr hab. Joanna Wyleżałek, prof. SGGW as a disciplinary spokesman for MEiN
- Dr hab. Joanna Wyleżałek, prof. SGGW rzecznikiem dyscyplinarnym MEiN
- Diet and prevention as a chance in the fight against civilization diseases
- Prof. Magdalena Król wins the Crystal Brussels Sprouts Award
- Jarosław Olszewski at the head of the KRD
- The best trophy is fun to play
- Category: Students
- Category: Studies
- Category: Trivia
- Category: Uncategorized
- Call for the Taiwan International Internship Program
- WePoint Students
- Architecture – a new study programme at SGGW
- 1st STUDY VISIT 30.01.2023 – 03.02.2023 – SGGW
- SGGW Rector’s Easter Message
- FAQ – Interns
- Erasmus in/out
- KAZNARU – Kazachstan
- Information for students and scientists arriving from Ukraine
- 19.07 – 28.07 – deadline for submitting documents
- Personal Data Breach Notification
- Diet and prevention as a chance in the fight against civilization diseases
- Conscious shopping. Smart Choices “
- The status of professor retired from SGGW
- Applications and forms
- Test
- Diet and prevention as a chance in the fight against civilization diseases
- Rector’s announcement on conducting didactic classes
- Conscious shopping. Smart Choices “
- The status of professor retired from SGGW
- Information on the possibilities of co-financing foreign trips
- Announcement from the Rector of WULS-SGGW
- Communication of the Rector of the SGGW of 16.03.2020
- Why is it worth studying at SGGW?
- Dyes in baby food.
- Dyes in baby food. What do you need to know about them?
- New technologies
- Applications and forms
- Online Polish language courses for students from Belarus
- Kasia wpis
- Announcement of the Rector of WULS-SGGW of April 9, 2020
- Announcement of the Rector of WULS-SGGW of March 24, 2020
- Category: University
- Category: Upcoming events
- Integration Culinary Workshop for SGGW International Academic Staff
- New Year Concert of the PROMNI People’s Artistic Ensemble
- Christmas carol concert by the SGGW Choir
- ScienceWeek
- Concert of the SGGW Representative Orchestra
- Valorisation and protection of your research and innovations: real cases of success and failure
- UNIgreen Equality Day
- Conference The Four Elements – Contemporary Issues in Life Sciences
- Internationalization strategy – building successful partnerships
- Information literacy in the fight against fake news and conspiracy theories
- UNIgreen Science Week
- Welcome Day for New International Students
- ELLS Scientific Student Conference 2024
- Water Issues combined with a film screening “To the Last Drop”. Debate
- Integration mill make landscape of UA accession to the EU full of fears. Debate
- Zaproszenie na uroczystość wręczenia odznaczeń
- Are you green? UNIgreen webinar
- UNIgreen Day
- SGGW Open Day
- Cycle of Seminars for Aspiring Entrepreneurs
- Welcome Day. Winter Semestr 23/24
- iSurvive Final Conference
- Erasmus+ iSURVIVE project – invitation to Multiplier Event
- 12th SGGW Careers Fairs SGGW Kampus, 8 February 2023
- Webinar: Enhancing Student Engagement in the Life Sciences
- ScienceWeek 2023
- Gingerbread Cookies Day
- Szkolenie dla studentów „Zachowania trudne – jak reagować? Kryzys psychologiczny, podobnie jak niepełnosprawność, może dotyczyć każdego z nas”.
- “Władysław Grabski, an economist, sociologist, academic teacher and rector of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences” seminar and presentation of the National Bank of Poland (NBP) collector’s coin “The Great Polish economists – Władysław Grabski”
- Webinar: Grasslands under the magnifying glass of the European Union
- “Animal Post Traumatic Stress Disorder – What Do We Know About It?
- 45th edition of the Science Competition of Agricultural Knowledge and Skills – the regional level
- Un Sustainable Development Goal – 5 – Gender Quality
- Introduction Days
- Introduction Online Days
- Awarding the title of doctor honoris causa to prof. Jimmy Mazurkiewicz
- BAYHOST Grants for Summer Schools 2021!
- Plant application genetics – challenges of the 21st century
- GIS Day conference “GIS saves the Earth”
- Inauguration of the academic year 2020/21 on-line
My Templates
- DS-Projekty-unijne
- DS-Szablon-Rownowazni
- tabela
- Vet J.B
- DS-Sekcja-Socjalna-Oferty-Wypoczynkowe
- DS-Projekty-unijne
- JB Koła Naukowe
- DS-Projekt-unijny
- DS-Wspolpraca-Podstrona
- DS-Współpraca
- DS-Współpraca-miedzynarodowa
- DS-Dzień-Nauki
- DS-Dzien-Nauki-Program-Na-Komorki
- KB-Pobierz-startbook
- K-B-Pobierz-Startbook
- DS-Nowa_Aktualnosc
- kk
- DS-Nauka
- DS-Privacy-policy
- DS-Sekcja-Socjalna
- DS-Sklad-osobowy-SS
- DS-Zespoły-Artystyczne
- Studia I stopnia oraz jednolite magisterskie JB
- Study offer First-cycle and long cycle studies
- Kieruni studiów JB
- JB I st.
- DS-Dni-SGGW-Program-Artystyczny
- DS-24-Dni-SGGW
- tabela-platnosci
- DS_Wybory-2024-Wzory-formularzy-Senat
- tabela 04.01.24
- kalendarz
- DS-Webinaria-Women's-Lab
- Formularz OT
- Formularz Kontaktowy OT
- Formularz kontaktowy OT
- Polish-French Forum of Science
- Forum polsko francuskie
- DS-Staff
- DS-boksy
- Tekst-Ze-Zdjeciem
- Informator-Pobierz
- kafelki_rekrutacja
- projekty lista_szablon
- kafelki_rekrutacja
- Ursynalia_szablon
- usługi
- podatki
- Dotacje MRiRW
- Lista tematów OL - bez opisów do uzup
- 48!
- Przegląd kół
- poczta
- Sylwia Erasmus
- artykul_biuro_promocji
- Test_bazy_BG
- patenty
- Aktualności_zdjęcie_tekst_tekst_Szwejk
- Artykuł_Aktualność_Zdjęcie+tekst_KSz
- kierunki studiów
- kierunki studiów
- Grafika rekrutacja
- galeria_identyfikacja
- Wpis Dominik 2
- Wpis Dominik 1
- aktualność_obrazek_teskt
- Archiwum Centralne (strona główna)
- szablon aktulanosc
- Staszek test szablon
- Wyszukiwarka jednostek
- Wydział Ekonomiczno-Rolniczy – 50-ta rocznica ukończenia studiów
- Leśnicy – absolwenci 1962 roku
- Spotkanie absolwentów Wydziału Zootechnicznego SGGW , rocznik 1968 – 1973
- Leśnicy 1961 spotkanie w Ośrodku Kultury Leśnej
- Rolnictwo ’52
- Spotkanie I-go rocznika Wydziału Zootechnicznego
- 50 lat Stowarzyszenia – Zjazd Wychowanków
- Stanisław Olkuśnik
- Prof dr hab. Jan Roman Starck – wspomnienie
- Alojzy Ziaja
- Jarema Rybicki
- Amalia Kuryjańska
- Henryk Pucyk
- Zbigniew Szewczyk
- Bolesne straty
- Andrzej Zalewski
- Zofia Lewicka-Nowacka
- Witold Dzbeński
- Maria Cieśluk-Głosowska
- Stanisław Moskal
- Włodzimierz Czesław Cygański
- Wychowankowie - Maria
- Wyjazd naukowo-kraoznawczy
- Wychowankowie - ziemia radomska
- Wychowankowie - pielgrzymmka
- Wychowankowie - czarnolas
- wychowankowie - ognisko w leśnictwie
- Wychowankowie- warsztaty wedukacyjne w Grzybowie
- Wychowankowie - wyjazd na podlasie
- Hanna Legutowska
- Wychowankowie - Jerzy Marian Skrabek
- 101 Rocznica odzyskania przez Polskę Niepodległości
- Wychowankowie - Zmarł nasz Kolega Jerzy Skrabek
- Wychowankowie - Wspomnienie o koledze Zygmuncie Santorskim
- Wychowankowie - Marsz Życia Polaków i Polonii w KL Auschwitz
- Wychowankowie - Uroczystości „STASZICOWSKIE”
- Wychowankowie - Walne Zebranie Sprawozdawczo – Wyborcze
- Wychowankowie - Uroczystości w 75. rocznicę Zbrodni Wołyńskiej
- Wychowankowie - Rocznica powstania „Solidarności” w SGGW
- Wychowankowie - Dzień Edukacji Narodowej w Lipniku
- Wychowankowie - 78 rocznica wybuchu II wojny światowej w Puszczy Kampinoskiej
- Wychowankowie - 73 lata pamięci
- Wychowankowie - Dzieci z Zespołu Szkół w Lipniku wSGGW
- Wychowankowie - Międzynarodowa konferencja „Uniwersytety ludowe XXI wieku”
- Wychowankowie - Rotmistrz Pilecki – przedstawienie
- Wychowankowie - Odsłonięcie pomnika Rotmistrza Witolda Pileckiego
- Wychowankowie - 60 rocznica powstania ZMW
- Wychowankowie - Wernisaż w Muzeum Rolnictwa w Ciechanowcu
- Wychowankowie - Miejsca spoczynku zasłużonych dla Stowarzyszenia
- Wychowankowie - Porządkowanie grobów
- Wychowankowie - Odwiedziny w Lipniku
- Wychowankowie - Jubileusz 90-lecia dr inż. Stanisława Dunikowskiego
- Wychowankowie - Kobiety niezłomne
- Wychowankowie - Pamięć mordu w Puszczy Kampinoskiej
- Wychowankowie - Jubileusz w Lipniku
- Wychowankowie - Platany
- Aktu - Kadra
- Aktu - Dzień Wolny 4
- Aktu - Zbiórka 2
- Aktu - Dzień wolny 3
- Aktu - Dzień wolny 2
- Aktu - wyniki konk 2
- Aktu - Dzień wolny
- Aktu - Eko Zwierzak
- Aktu - Wycieczka 2
- Aktu - Zaabawa karnawałowa
- Aktu - Zabawa karnawałowa
- Aktu - wyniki konkursu
- Aktu - Rodzinny konkurs
- Aktu - mikołaj w przedszkolu
- Aktu - Zbiórka
- Aktu - gdzie jest bajka
- Aktu - krasnale rozpoczeły projekt
- Aktu - Pasowanie na przed
- Aktu - Wycieczka do katedry
- Aktu - Zajęcia dodatkowe
- Aktu - Rozpoczęcie roku 2016/2017
- Aktu - Zakończenie 2015/2016
- Rozpoczęcie roku przedszkolnego 2015/2016
- Aktu - Zakończenie 2014/2015
- Aktu - Otwarcie przedszkola
- Kontakt Stowarzyszenie Wychowanków
- Kącik z wierszami
- Stowarzyszenie Wychowanków Strona Główna
- Kontakt przedszkole
- Zapisy przedszkole
- Program przedszkolny
- O Nas Przedszkole
- Niepubliczne przedszkole - Stroma Główna
- Kontakt Kociszew
- Rezerwacje Kociszew
- Oferta i cennik
- Strona główna Kociszew
- Osrodek wypoczynkowy Marymont
- Galeria Zdjęć NSZZ
- Dokumenty, ustawy NSZZ
- Biuletyn KSN
- Biuletyn „Wiadomości Solidarności” KZ „S” SGGW
- Informacje z posiedzeń Komisji Zakładowej „S” SGGW
- Komisja Zakładowa NSZZ „Solidarność” SGGW
- KN Rolnictwa Wydarzenia
- KN Rolnictwa Wydarzenia
- KN Rolników Współpraca
- KN Rolników Informacje
- KN Rolników Osiągnięcia
- Koło naukowe rolników
- KN Medyków O Nas
- KN Medyków Konkursy
- KN Medyków Weterynaryjnych
- KN Ochrony Środowiska
- KN przedsiębiorczości profit
- KN Żywieniowców-SG2
- zoopsychologia - program studiów
- zoopsychologia - plam studiów
- zoopsychologia - home
- zoopsychologia - strona główna
- Geotechniczne - warunki rekrutacji
- Geotechniczne - Program studiów
- Projektowanie geotechniczne - o studiach
- Projektowanie geotechniczne - strona główna
- Centrum Badawcze – Str. główna – projekt MN
- Centrum Badawcze – Str. główna – projekt MN
- Projekt strony głównej – studia podyplomowe – MN
- studiapodyplomowe 1 DG
- Centrum Wodne - projekt MN
- Instytut
- Wizytówka instytutu
- Wizytówka instytutu
- Wizytówka
- Serwis zakładów doświadczalnych - Arboretum - projekt MN
- koło naukowe_szablon
- projekt_szablon
- Studenckie Koło Naukowe – projekt str. gł. – MN
- Studenckie Koło Naukowe – projekt str. gł. – MN
- BWM_nabór
- wysz_kier
- kierunek_studiów_szablon
- jedn_usł
- Komisje BIP
- Komisje BIP
- aktualności - szablon 2
- Artykuł MIN. – Projekt MN
- Artykuł MID. – Projekt MN
- Artykuł MAX. - Projekt MN
- Centrum Badawcze - Str. główna - projekt MN
- Studenckie Koło Naukowe - projekt str. gł. - MN
- Projekt strony głównej - studia podyplomowe - MN
- sekcja - kontakt
- Szablon strony głównej – Akademia dobrego smaku – projekt MN
- Akademia dobrego smaku - wpis projekt MN
- Szablon strony głównej - Jednostki usługowe - projekt MN
- propozycja - 'Na skróty - Rekrutacja' - MN
- mapa - skecja
- Podyp. Weterynaryjna diagnostyka laboratoryjna
- Szablon - Na skróty
- incoming studia
- Wizytówka Instytutu
- Wydział
- Strona Studia
- Default Kit
- Dokumenty do pobrania
- 47. PDKN - 2020
- 46. PDKN - 2019
- 45. PDKN - 2018
- 44. PDKN - 2017
- 43. PDKN - 2016
- 43. PDKN - 2016
- 42. PDKN - 2015
- Międzynarodowe projekty dydaktyczne
- System motywacyjny dla naukowców
- Ocena nauczyciela akademickiego
- Ewaluacja jakości działalności naukowej
- Wizytówki promotorów 2019/2020
- Wizytówki promotorów 2021
- Strona Studia
- Sekcja tekst + linki
- Katarzyna Specjalska - BWM
- lista wydziałów
- admin komisje
- Admin władze
- lista nierozwijana
- Nagłówek stron UCZELNIA
- menu główne UCZELNIA
- Lorem ipsum
- bwm-o/day
- Biuro Współpracy
- BWM strona bwm eb
- o-day
- Strona tekst ze zdjęciem
- Tekst
- blablabliba
- Default Kit
Kierunki SGGW
- Enviromental Protection in English (spec. Modern Engineering in Water Management)
- Enviromental Protection in English (spec. Restoration and Management of Enviroment)
- Environmental Engineering in English (spec. Modern Engineering in Water Managment)
- Biomedical Technology
- Urban Horticulture and Arboriculture
- Informatics and Econometrics in English (spec. Big Data Analytics)
- Finance and Accounting in English
- Civil Engineering in English (spec. Engineering Infrastructure)
- Architecture
- Veterinary Medicine
- Forestry
- Organic Agriculture and Food Production
- Biotechnology in English
- Sustainable Horticulture
- Management in English
- Food Science - Technology and Nutrition
- Human Nutrition and Food Evaluation
- Catering and Hotel Management
- Engineering of Biotechnical Systems
- Dietetics
- Food Marketing and Commodity Science
- Renewable Energy Technologies
- Food Technology and Human Nutrition
- Management and Production Engineering
- Food Safety
- Economics
- Wood Technology
- Finance and Accounting
- Logistics
- Tourism and Recreation
- Management
- Environmental Protection
- Furniture Technology
- Environmental Engineering
- Water Resources Management and Engineering
- Pedagogics
- Sociology
- Civil Engineering
- Landscape architecture
- Animal Science
- Animal Bioengineering
- Informatics
- Breeding and Preservation of Wild and Companion Animals
- Veterinary Medicine in English
- Biotechnology
- Informatics and Econometrics
- Forest Information Technology
- Spatial Economics
- Agriculture
- Biology
- Horticulture
- Ecological Engineering
- Organic Agriculture and Food Production
Real3D Flipbook
- Agricola nr 117
- Agricola 116
- StartBook 2023/2024
- StartBook 2023/2023
- Agricola 113
- Agricola 112
- Lasy Państwowe
- StartBook EN
- Startbook PL
- Agricola nr 111
- test pdf
- Test 1
- Agricola 110
- TEST flipbook