ICA Biodiversity Challenge 2023

The Biodiversity Challenge 2023 (ICA BioBlitz 2023) is an initiative introduced by Wageningen University & Research, Netherlands, involving 17 European universities in observing and documenting local biodiversity.
The aim of the ICA BioBlitz 2023 challenge was to make an inventory of as many plant and animal species as possible on the SGGW old and new campuses. The BioBlitz ran from 22 May, until 01 July 2023.
Thanks to the involvement of people participating in the project, it was possible to make an inventory of amphibians and aquatic animals, woody plants, insects, rare, endangered, and protected plants, lichens, birds, theriofauna, and reptiles.
The final results will be available after verifying all observations on the www.observation.org platform. Until 31 August 2023, we have recorded 474 species based on 851 observations made by 51 observers.
The 474 species is significantly underestimated and does not reflect the species diversity of the SGGW campus. A comprehensive inventory would require a large professional team representing various taxonomic ranks. Nonetheless, the fact remains that the SGGW environment, as urban green space, is a vibrant and biodiverse ecosystem.
The commitment to preserving biodiversity is embedded in the DNA of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences. Participation in the Biodiversity Challenge 2023 is an excellent opportunity to assess how the steps taken to implement Sustainable Development Goals apply in practice.
Every year we plant around 100 native, drought-resistant tree species, revitalize green areas and create urban meadows. This makes our campus a unique place on the map of Warsaw.