Organization and operation of student houses in the academic year 2020/21

Due to the epidemic situation in the country, implementing the latest recommendations and recommendations of MNiSW and GIS, we make the necessary changes in the organization and operation of academicians.
SGGW reduces the number of room spaces. In 8 dormitories at ul. Nowoursynowska 161 ie. Adara, Basilich, Caesar, Dendrit, Eden, Phoenix, Grand and Hilton transform standard 3-bed rooms into double rooms and standard double rooms into single rooms. With this solution, we provide:
– greater social distance among the inhabitants of dormitories,
– higher sanitary safety,
– increase the comfort of residence.
In order to take account of the special needs of some students e.g. married couples, siblings and students in financial difficulties in need of the cheapest possible dorm places, SGGW adopts a hybrid system of operation of these student houses by the possibility of accommodation according to the nominal capacity of the rooms, at the request of the students concerned.
Detailed information on the prices of places in student houses from 01.10.2020 will be provided on the after consultation with the Student Council of SGGW.