Fields of study
SGGW is a modern university educating young people in a two-cycle system.
First-cycle studies are either undergraduate or engineering studies. They enable the acquisition of knowledge and skills in a specific area of education. They prepare for work in a specific profession. They end up with a bachelor’s or engineering degree. First-cycle, bachelor’s or engineering studies last 3 to 4 years, depending on the field of study.
After the first degree, the student has the opportunity to continue his master’s degree in the current or other field of study. This makes it possible to change the education profile after first-cycle studies and obtain two diplomas in different fields of study. The University has an ECTS point-based grading system that enables student exchange between universities in Poland and abroad.
SGGW is the coordinator of the MostAR program, under which students from the second year of studies may study 1 – 2 semesters at another partner university in the country.

In 2023/2024, SGGW offers 42 fields of study in full-time studies and 24 fields of study in part-time studies. It offers 12 fields of study in English.
Animal Bioengineering
Animal Science
Biomedical Technology
Biotechnology in English
Breeding and Preservation of Wild and Companion Animals
Catering and Hotel Management
Civil Engineering
Civil Engineering in English (spec. Engineering Infrastructure)
Ecological Engineering
Engineering of Biotechnical Systems
Enviromental Protection in English (spec. Modern Engineering in Water Management)
Enviromental Protection in English (spec. Restoration and Management of Enviroment)
Environmental Engineering
Environmental Engineering in English (spec. Modern Engineering in Water Managment)
Environmental Protection
Finance and Accounting
Finance and Accounting in English
Food Marketing and Commodity Science
Food Safety
Food Science – Technology and Nutrition
Food Technology and Human Nutrition
Forest Information Technology
Furniture Technology
Human Nutrition and Food Evaluation
Informatics and Econometrics
Informatics and Econometrics in English (spec. Big Data Analytics)
Landscape architecture
Management and Production Engineering
Management in English
Organic Agriculture and Food Production
Organic Agriculture and Food Production
Renewable Energy Technologies
Spatial Economics
Sustainable Horticulture
Tourism and Recreation
Urban Horticulture and Arboriculture
Veterinary Medicine
Veterinary Medicine in English
Water Resources Management and Engineering
Wood Technology