
  • By when do I need to include an electronic photo on the form?

    Photo in SOK the candidate puts in case of confirmation of willingness to study at SGGW after qualifying for submission of documents and acceptance. Candidates with qualified/pending status have the opportunity to attach a photo. Only after attaching and accepting the photo is it possible to print the Application/Personal Survey

  • In the "Photo" tab, I see the message "new photo – pending verification". How long does it take to verify a photo?

    You should see a photo of the candidate when you join the form as soon as you join. If a candidate doesn’t see their photo in the SOK form, it means that it isn’t attached and can’t be verified (because, for example, the volume of the photo file is too large). Photos are accepted on an ongoing basis (24 to 48 hours after the photo is posted). To upload a photo, point to the path to the file on the disc or media and press the “change photo” button. The candidate at the photo declares that this is his photograph. No photo/statement prevents you from printing your application for college admission. Note! Photos received from a photographer on a disc or other medium are usually in very high resolution and have a large volume. The photo attached to the SOK should not be more than 100KB.

  • The "Photo" tab displays a message that the photo has not been accepted. Why?

    The message usually contains information about the floods of photo rejections. Please refer to the photo requirements (“Photo” tab in the Candidate Service System) and attach the correct photograph.

    Note! The candidate’s head should be 66-80% of the width and height of the photo box (window boxes). The photo should be taken “en face” – as for an ID card or passport, on a uniform background, in natural colors, sharp. If it’s a scanned photo, you won’t see stamp marks or the edges of the photo in the photo box. In SOK you can see what the master photo looks like.