Professor Michał Zasada is the new rector of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences

On June 30, 2020, the electoral college elected 22. the rector of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences, who became prof. dr hab. Michał Jerzy Zasada. The four-year term of office of the new rector’s authorities will begin on September 1.
Michał Zasada graduated from the Faculty of Forestry of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences in 1993. Five years later he obtained a PhD in forestry sciences. In 2008 he obtained the title of habilitated doctor, and in 2014 the title of professor of forest sciences.
Among the many positions and functions that professor Michał Zasada has held so far, the function of deputy dean of the Faculty of Forestry of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences should be distinguished: in 2005–2008 he was the deputy dean for didactics, and in the years 2012-2016 he was the vice-dean for science. From 2008 to 2012 he was the dean of the Faculty of Forestry. In the passing term of the university rector’s authorities, since 2016, professor M. Zasada is the vice-rector for international cooperation.
Prof. dr hab. Michał Zasada has performed and still performs many important functions on the national and international forum. There is, among others member of the Cooperation of the International Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland (KRASP), a member of the board of CASEE – the ICA Regional Network for Central and South Eastern Europe and a member of the Committee for Forest Sciences and Wood Technology of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN). For several years he was a financial auditor of the European Forest Institute.
The research work of Professor Michał Principles focuses on forest management, modeling the growth of trees and stands, dendrometry, the use of modern technologies in forest inventory and decision support systems in forestry. He is the author of 129 publications, including 50 in journals indexed in the Web of Science.
Prof. Michał Zasada was the promoter of four completed doctoral theses, a reviewer in five doctoral dissertations (including 1 foreign) and three habilitation theses, and an opponent in the doctoral thesis in Finland.
He was also a manager, coordinator or main contractor in many foreign and domestic projects financed by the KBN, NCN and NCBiR, in topics financed by the State Forests, including projects implemented in practice. He managed teaching and capacity building projects ( capacity building ) under Tempus, Erasmus + and FSS.
Privately, Michał Zasada is married and has three children. His hobby is amateur radio.
More information about the new Rector of WULS-SGGW is available at: