Collaboration with local and international research centres has a direct impact on rankings

The global scenario of academic research has increasingly highlighted the importance of internationalisation and collaboration between researchers from various universities. Warsaw University of Life Sciences actively participates in these trends, striving to maximise the benefits of international and local partnerships.
The analysis conducted on Google Scholar ( ) and Web of Science platforms demonstrated that prof. dr hab. Hazem M. Kalaji, Department of Plant Physiology, Institute of Biology, SGGW, has reached a record number of co-authors and collaborating institutions.
The analysis of prof. Hazem M. Kalaji’s scientific output revealed a unique scientific collaboration valued locally and internationally. His achievements are based on partnerships with 44 Polish institutions and universities, resulting in co-authorships with 236 scientists. Furthermore, prof. Kalaji has collaborated with 541 co-authors and 241 institutes from 52 countries. He has published papers with 777 co-authors so far, which constitutes a national and international record.
The platform ( ) has announced that prof. Hazem Kalaji is one of the world’s top scientists; he is the 3rd best Polish scientist in the field of Plant Science and Agronomy.